Download Google Videos
I discovered a way to download Google Video Files. Isn’t really easy, but isn’t hard…
1) Find a video (like this)
2) Open the page source code and search for start (of the “play from start” link) and, in the link code, copy a code (anything likte this:
/googleplayer.swf? )
3) In your browser, execute this code: Javascript:unescape(“VideoURL”) (change URL by the code copied in the step 2)
Take the result of the script (the real file URL) and download it (If you use MSIE or FireFox you can create a html file with a link to the file and “Save as…” it, if you use Opera use the Quick Download Feature)
4) To play it use a FLV player like the one on
Edit: I Updated it. It’s ok now!
Escrito por: Felipe Cepriano, ás 12:56 do dia 29 de junho de 2005
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